Results RAW 27.02.2006
Raw Results:
World Tag Team Champions Big Show & Kane def. Val Venis & Viscera |
Rob Van Dam def. Trevor Murdoch (Money in the Bank Qualifier) |
Women's Champion Trish Stratus def. Candice |
Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin def. Chavo Guerrero (Money in the Bank Qualifier) |
Ric Flair def. Carlito (Money in the Bank Qualifier) |
-> Vamos realmente ter Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon na WM 22! Antes, vamos ter HBK vs Shane McMahon numa Street Fight no Saturday Night's Main Event!
" A former member of the Rockers puckered up and join the “Mr. McMahon Kiss My Ass Club” on Monday night, but it wasn’t Marty Jannetty, as planned. Instead, an intervening Shawn Michaels was K.O.’d with a steel chair by Shane McMahon, who then forced HBK’s face into the “magnificent” rear end of the WWE Chairman.
Michaels was coming to the aid of his former tag-team partner, who after turning down his invitation to join the “Kiss My Ass Club” was cinched in Chris Masters’ Master Lock and then forced toward McMahon’s derrière. After hitting “Sweet Chin Music” on Masters, Shane came from nowhere to level “The Showstopper.”
What happened after that was difficult to watch … and it had huge implications for upcoming WWE spectaculars: Shane grabbed hold of Michaels’ face and pushed it lips-first into Mr. McMahon’s rump. Mr. McMahon then declared that it’ll be Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels in a Street Fight at Saturday Night’s Main Event on March 18. Then at WrestleMania
22, it’ll be Mr. McMahon himself taking “the Icon” Michaels. "
[texto do site oficial da WWE]
-> Mr.McMahon anunciou que no Saturday Night's Main Event, Triple H e John Cena vs Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton e o campeao(Kurt Angle ou Undertaker)! Brutal, vamos ter os 5 main events da WM22 todos num combate!
-> Vai haver uma nova Money In the Bank Ladder Match. Dps de carlito ter dado a ideia, a WWE vai mesmo avançar com o combate e será na Wrestlemania 22! A Raw de ontem foi especialmente para determinar que lutadores iriam participar no MITB. Ric Flair, RVD e Shelton Benjamin já estao qualificados. Qto ao Shelton e ao RVD, já esperava... o que nao esperava era que o Ric Flair eliminasse o Carlito. Qdo tudo indicava um push enorme ao Carlito, eis que ele sofre um grande turn e nao vai estar no MITB!
" At the age of 57, Flair defeated Carlito (with some leverage from the ring ropes) to qualify for the “Money in the Bank” Ladder Match. It was an ironic turn of events for Carlito, who personally negotiated the terms of bringing back the “Money in the Bank” Ladder Match at this year’s WrestleMania. For Carlito, losing his qualifying match to “The Nature Boy” was definitely “not cool.” "
[texto do site oficial da WWE]
-> Mick Foley rejeitou a proposta do Edge e desafiou este para algo mais arrojado: Um Hardcore Match!
-> Kane e Big Show venceram Val Venis e Viscera com um double chokeslam! Para quando o desentendimento entre estes 2? Embora nao haja nenhuma tag team em condiçoes na RAW, o turn dos actuais world tag team champions tá por horas. Espero que tenhamos um combate entre os 2 na WM22!
-> Trish ganhou à Candice e esta culpou a Torrie Wilson pela derrota no combate, dando-lhe uma chapada! Entretanto, Mickie James voltou-se a esticar:
" Meanwhile, an over-exuberant Mickie James again got a little too close for Trish’s comfort, causing Trish to make for the exit. "

-> “Mean” Gene Okerlund será o 3º membro incluido no Hall Of Fame 2006!
Stay Tune.