*Spoilers RAW .. February 13, 2006

Results Raw:
" Big Show and Triple H fought to a bloody double count-out in a devastating semifinal match of the Road to WrestleMania Tournament. Upon hearing the decision, Big Show went into a violent fit of rage that has to be seen to be believed.
Shelton Benjamin defeated Eugene to become the No. 1 contender for Ric Flair's Intercontinental Championship. He gets his opportunity at the gold next week on RAW.
Ashley picked up a win over Torrie Wilson in singles competition. After the match, Candice tried to cheer up her friend Torrie by saying that she will be gracing the cover of Playboy on March 10.
Shawn Michaels refused to retire.
Rob Van Dam advanced to the finals of the Road to WrestleMania Tournament with a win over "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters. Per Mr. McMahon's orders, the finals will take place next week on RAW and will be a Triple Threat Match - Triple H vs. Big Show vs. Rob Van Dam.
John Cena defeated Edge with one of the most amazing FU's ever to retain the WWE Championship. The Rated R Superstar took out his frustrations on special guest referee Mick Foley with a thunderous spear after the match. "
[Texto do site oficial]-> Nao tava à espera do que aconteceu entre o Big Show e o Triple H. Jogada de mestre haver uma triple threat entre RVD(venceu o Masters), Triple H e Big Show, embora o vencedor já se espere...
-> FINALMENTE temos o Shelton outra vez na rota do Intercontinental. Já era tempo!
-> Ashley venceu a Torrie Wilson e após o combate, a Candice tentou animar a Torrie por ela ter conseguido capa da Playboy de Março LOL.
-> Shawn Michaels veio afirmar-se em publico que negou sair da Raw. Cada vez mais intensa a feud entre ele e o boss Vince McMahon.
-> Cena venceu(COMO ERA DE ESPERAR... Acho piada no site referir que o F-U foi dos melhores da história... tou pra ver) e após o combate, Edge fez uma spear no Foley. Decididamente lançada a feud entre estes 2.
-> Agora com o Edge completamente fora da corrida pelo WWE title, tá finalmente tudo em aberto para o vencedor do torneio Road to Wrestlemania(TRIPLE H, TRIPLE H lol).
Stay Tune.
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